‘New Customer Appreciation’ Event:
$997 Now Just $297 (Silver Option)
June 7th - 9th, London, UK
If you’ve been thinking “now’s the time to really step up and grow this physio or sports injury practice of yours”, THIS IS THE PERFECT Event To Get On With DOING IT. Book NOW for the lowest price.”

Email my team on paul@paulgough.com
Owner of The Paul Gough Physio Rooms,
Dear Private Practice Owner,
You won’t need me to tell you that the business world has changed in the last few years.
Threats from inflation, global conflict and the rise of AI and social media have destroyed the old ways of doing marketing online.
There’s a fearful customer base who have been hammered by mortgage interest rate hikes, gas and electric prices that have crippled their disposable income and the worry over wars and what ‘might be yet to come’ has made them hesitant and slow to buy.
Then there’s the issue of the NHS.
It’s always in a bad place.
If the NHS being so bad is our biggest advantage – it can also be our biggest disadvantage.
Millions of people have tried “free” physiotherapy there and have been less than impressed with what they got in return for their taxes.
One twenty minutes session, mostly hands off, resulting in a sheet of exercises printed from PhysioTools, created in 1973… that they waited 12 weeks for… is hardly what they dream of and the problem is they think we all do the same.
Inevitably, it means they tar all physio’s with the same bad smelling brush.
Even the really good ones in private practice like you.
There’s also the crowd of ‘jokers’ online… the ones who snigger and mock the good work of good practice owners trying to get their name out there on social media.
You know who I mean. If I said “arse-holes on Twitter,” you’d probably know the likes I am referring to.
They make it VERY difficult to feel confident about putting anything out on SOCIAL MEDIA for fear of being set upon like the pack of heinous, low-life, wolves they are.
To add to the growing crowd of physio arse-holes online, the digital revolution, economic chaos and the NHS meltdown, it’s also an election year in the UK (and the USA) meaning we’re going to swap one incompetent bunch of liars for another.
They are predicting a new Labour government in the UK.
“Woopie – all of our prayers answered!”
I can’t wait to see how much extra tax a business owner in the UK will have to pay to fund Starmer’s green energy plans (…or whatever his pledge to save this great country even is).”
But seriously, whoever wins, the reality is they are NOT coming to save you.
Whether it’s Rishi or Kier, the outcome will be the same:
INCOMPETENCE of the highest order and more money wasted that you and I – the small business owners – will be expected to pay for (as per usual).
“Enough With The Bad (and the Ugly)
Paul, Tell Me Something Good…”
So that’s the harsh reality of the current climate that physio business owners are basking in.
But there’s also lots of GOOD things going on in this country and the business world in general. There’s also LOTS of amazing opportunities for an aspiring private practice owner – if you look for them.
For example:
- AI – it’s never been a better time to run a more effective, productive and profitable practice using AI (whether that’s having your marketing driven by AI automation or your WEBSITE ranking improved because of it)
- The NHS physio dept. is WORSE than ever – and many patients are NOT settling for 12 week wait lists for back pain (…are they finding you when they look on Google?)
- Your best patients are immune from the economy – no matter how bad the chaos, there’s always a group of people in the country who are IMMUNE from the recession and any economic crisis. You just have to know how to find them all with the right marketing. Do you?
- Most of your competitors are not even on Social Media (or they are really bad at it), they probably have a website that is out of date and they’re likely not using ANY automation, AI or systems to make their marketing more successful. This is your BIGGEST opportunity!
- Most of your competitors are STILL proud that they “rely upon referrals” and think that’s the best way to grow – even thought they’ve been saying that 20 years after starting and despite their clinic having made little if any real money for most of those years (Hint: Relying upon REFERRALS is NOT the way to grow FAST or profitably).
- It’s never been easier to get your website to No.1 and your social media turned into a new patient generating machine – the technology is there, the systems are there, the people are there and best of all your competitors probably REALLY suck at both of these things…
“I’m Going To Be Successful NO Matter What!”
Look, I appreciate there’s a lot that has changed in the last 4-5 years.
As we’ve just discussed, some good, some bad.
But one thing has not changed and that is what sets successful business owners apart from the many who are struggling.
There’s always a crowd of people who are successful no matter what.
And it happens because of their willingness to IMMERSE themselves in new breakthroughs and look for OPPORTUNITIES that have opened up in the online and marketing world as well as their absolute willingness to NOT be left behind.
Rishi or Starmer may want to tell everyone it’s because the wealthy are “lucky” or “more fortunate” or whatever other BS to get some more votes, but the reality is they simply did whatever it took to make sure they didn’t get let left behind or find themselves ever needing to worry about ANYONE’s economic policy.
The reality is the rich get rich because of how they think, how they act and how FAST they seize on opportunities.
It’s at the UK’s first ever PPM LIVE in London, this summer, that I am going to share with you everything that you need – these breakthroughs and OPPORTUNITIES – to ensure that in the next 12 months and beyond you radically change your income, your life and your business, for the better.
Are you ready for it?
I am beyond excited to be bringing PPM LIVE back to my home shores…
I have tried and tested this event in the USA and I can tell you it WORKS.
Come and have the three most extraordinary days of your business life as we celebrate the future and go deep, very deep, into the essential changes you need to make to your Physiotherapy Practice to create the breakthroughs required in this new and completely different healthcare world.
This is a 3-day experience where you will be immersed in the 7 Key areas of Private Practice GROWTH that are vital to survive the economic headwinds that continue to plague the country in the post pandemic world.
I’m going to spend three days showing you the strategies that when implemented properly will enable you, your practice and your family to thrive in the years ahead, way beyond what was possible in the ‘old’ world – regardless of who the government is.
In June, we can get together in an exciting, family friendly environment in London to focus on creating profound breakthroughs for you and your business.
Here are the 7 Massive Areas Of Opportunity For Your Clinic That When Discovered AT PPM LIVE Will Help You Make 2024 The Best Financial Year of Your Life…
Imagine if you had owned the same computer or phone for 10 years and never updated the operating system. To be blunt, that’s what most physio clinic marketing looks like in 2024. Google has changed, Facebook’s advertising platform is almost un-recognizable from a year ago and now there’s the meteoric rise of advertising on Instagram, not to mention that banner/display ads are working better than ever.
Just one change in the last few WEEKS alone: Facebook forms DO NOT bring the best leads. You’ve got to do something else now…
At PPM LIVE we’ll have a special focus on how you can revolutionize your own online marketing and have new clients finding you 24/7.
2. The Very Latest Social Media And Website Updates
From the mobile takeover, to the extraordinary rise of Instagram, the remarkable power of Artificial Intelligence at Google and Facebook, plus the Social Media revolution and so much more, we are quite literally living in a new online world, so your business needs an social media and website reboot and upgrade.
PPM LIVE 2024 is the place for that to happen. You will be immersed in the world’s most powerful strategies as I share with you dozens of social media and website breakthroughs – including how to turn yourself into an EXPERT overnight. Sorting out MY own website was a real turning point for my clinic growth. It could be the same for you at PPM LIVE UK…
3. The AI Advantage
Has there ever been anything bigger that AI? Not since the internet have we seen anything like the total takeover of one thing. The potential for you to be using AI is not for debate. That you should be using it is not for debate. The AI revolution is well-untruly here and it’s not going away. What will happen is that 99% of the physiotherapy industry will overlook it and wait five years before diving into it. I won’t be one of them.
The time is NOW to get in on the AI Gold Rush and turn it into YOUR advantage. Whether you want to increase marketing ROI, get a better ranking website, or you’re wanting to streamline systems in your business to free up time and grow faster – AI can help you do it. Come and find out how at PPM LIVE UK…
4. Pricing Your Practice For Higher Profits
Many physio businesses have quite rightly spent the last few years in survival mode. Putting out a series of fires just to keep going, borrowing money to cover costs and trying to stay afloat. Many were directly impacted by Covid. Others by staffing issues. Everyone has been impacted by an uncertain customer base over the last 4 years.
It’s hard to focus on profit margins when you’re battling to keep the doors open or figuring out how to manage a team working from home. But the reality of the post-pandemic world is that you having high profit margins is essential to cover the increased costs of marketing and staff – and absolutely vital if you are going to extract true wealth from your physio business.
There are multiple ways to increase profits, and we’ll be covering several at PPM LIVE 2024.
5. How To Build the Best Team
You cannot take your Private Practice from where it is now to where you want it to be without great people. It’s just a fact. To GROW your PROFITS (without growing your own workload) you need to hire great people. Those people could be employees in a larger, growing practice, or freelancers, virtual assistants and part-time support in a new start up. But if you try to achieve entrepreneurial greatness on your own, you will fail. Case closed.
We’ve always known this and what makes this BIG Event different to any other is we will shine a MASSIVE spotlight on the best recruitment, hiring and management of people strategies to give you the edge over the rest of the profession moaning about the ‘labour shortage’ in their town.
6. Creating A Time Revolution In Your Life
The skills, strategies and mindset that got you to where you are now are not going to be sufficient to get you where you want to be. It’s true that physio businesses hit a series of growth ceilings at various points on the journey (…perhaps you are stuck in one now?) and you only break through those ceilings when the owner of the business radically changes their approach to take them on the next stage of the journey.
One example is your approach to time. As your business grows, it requires a radical shift in how you use your time. You need to create what I call a Time Revolution in your life. I’ve grown my business with one hard and fast rule: my time is the most valuable thing I’ve got and I must always have AMPLE of it for my young family. My business success cannot come at the expense of being with my kids at night for dinner or never around to see soccer games on a weekend.
At PPM LIVE UK, I’ll be sharing key insights into how to accelerate the growth of your physio business – and how to create a structure for your business and your life that enables you to achieve that growth with ease (instead of struggle and sacrifice).
7. How To Sell (Confidently and Ethically) At Much Higher Prices
Most physio clinics get going with their marketing only to realize they have a SALES and CONVERSION problem. And that is a BIG problem because patients saying YES is obviously the lifeblood of your Practice. The only ones who don’t have a conversion problem are the ones who’s prices are too LOW (…but they have another, bigger problem: ZERO profit).
Getting enough of the RIGHT patients is the number-one problem in virtually every physio business. When you solve that problem and choose how many patients you have, you then have enough money flowing in to solve all the other business challenges.
At PPM LIVE UK, we’re going to turn your physio business into a sales and conversion machine – charging the right prices – to make more profit than you ever have done before.There’s Also Going To Be A Special Focus On Money, Metrics And Finance.
(PLUS, There’ll be Lots of Talk About Creating WEALTH…)
So there can be no confusion about what you’re getting into….I DO plan to talk openly and candidly about making money from your business and you finally getting a grip on this money thing. I want you to get RICH from your business.
Being in business isn’t about having a “nice salary.” £50K per year is a nice salary for some people in the UK but there’s a LOT more to be made from being a physio business OWNER.
I believe that business is about getting RICH and ultimately getting wealthy.
It all starts with understanding key financial principles and metrics, KPIS and drivers of cash flow that when you do, increases the likelihood you can make more money and get very wealthy from your business.
I started my physio business in 2007 and by 2009 I owned 7 properties. A year later I had bought TWO of my own clinics buildings. I became my own landlord. Ten years on I now own more than 70 properties in the UK and one in the USA, in Florida.
It’s safe to say that if there’s anyone in the physio profession that can teach you how to get wealthy from your business, it’s probably me.
And just in-case my message doesn’t hit home, There’s the “small” matter of former Liverpool and England footballer, Robbie Fowler (our guest speaker), who has a portfolio of over 100 houses that he has amassed over the years who will share his story with you.
Make no mistake, this event is not your typical physio seminar. There’s going to NO talk about back or knee pain. There’s no latest research being shared about easing shoulder pain. Only alleviating the PAIN associated with not having enough cash to live the type of life you want.
If you’re excited at the prospect of finally making some REAL money from your practice, you will love this three day seminar I have lined up for you.
Join Us at PPM LIVE, And Find Out What The Most Successful Clinic Owners Are Doing To Get New Patients And Make More Money, That You Might Not Be?
Here’s what you won’t see on the news:
Over the last few years, while thousands of physio businesses struggled and went broke, a few hundred achieved the extraordinary feat of growing their practice PROFITS while simultaneously stepping back from patient care. They went from being a PT and the self-professed ‘workhorse’ in their business to being the CEO of their business.
In other words, they created a TIME revolution in their life AND a PROFIT revolution during the worst pandemic in living memory and during the worst recession since the Great Depression.
How did they do it?
You will find out at this event during our SUCCESS PANEL when six of our most successful owners share there best strategies for success.
You may or may not want to STEP OUT OF PATIENT CARE at this point in your entrepreneurial life, but, even if you implement just a fraction of what these amazing physio clinic owners have, you can’t help but make a lot of money and find more time in your life.
The headline speakers are amazing, but I believe it will be worth coming to THIS EVENT just to learn from, get inspired and see with your own eyes just what is really possible for a physio like you.
Show up with an open mind and a willingness to implement what you learn, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the changes in your life a few months after this event.

We’ve Organized Some Amazing World Famous Speakers to Headline Our Past Events. This Year’s Event Includes:
Robbie Fowler
“Get inspired by one of the UK’s best ever footballers – and serial property investor with 100+ houses”

Robbie is Liverpool legend and the eighth-highest goalscorer in the history of the Premier League. He is best known for his time at Liverpool in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. He scored 183 goals in total for Liverpool, earning the nickname “God” from the Anfield fans, and he is Liverpool’s second-top scorer in the Premier League. Robbie was capped for England 26 times, scoring 7 goals. He was included in England’s squads for Euro 1996, Euro 2000 and the 2002 FIFA World Cup. He has since managed numerous clubs in many different countries.
Outside of Football, Fowler has amassed a HUGE property empire of hundreds of houses. He has since set up his own business – a training academy teaching others how to do the same – get wealthy through property. Robbie will of course be sharing his stories of his time as a footballer in the premier league, what it takes to be a MANAGER, AND, he’ll also be sharing with you his message of becoming WEALTHY through property.
Javeno McLean
“Re-discover (or Confirm!) Your Business And Life Purpose”

In a world often focused on personal gains and material success, Javeno McLean stands out as a beacon of love and compassion. For two decades, this Jamaican-born fitness enthusiast has dedicated his life to helping the elderly and individuals with chronic conditions rediscover the joy of living through exercise.
Javeno founded the J7 Gym in Manchester, England and has amassed 100’000’s of followers on Instagram for the work he does with his clients. Breaking away from the traditional intimidating gym atmosphere, Javeno aimed to craft a space where everyone felt welcome. If you have never seen Javeno speak, or you’ve not seen him in action through his Instagram channel, you’re in for a REAL treat. Pre-pare to be inspired and POSSIBLY leave with a renewed sense of PURPOSE about what you do and why.
Paul Gough

Regarded by most as the World’s #1 Expert on The Subject of PT CLINIC Marketing and Practice Growth. Paul has already done what you are trying to do. He has a proven track record of growing his own physio clinic – The Paul Gough Physio Rooms – from the ground up to four locations, averaging over 1000 mostly cash pay visits per month in a country with completely free health care as his main competitor.
He is a multiple best-selling author, former professional soccer physio (Darlington and Middlesbrough), small business ICON (winner of the Infusionsoft award in 2016) and he is a 5 x best-selling author. In his spare time, when he is not running his multiple businesses, he consults with some of top physio clinics on the planet to help them grow sales and profits. He also puts on the best business growth seminars the physio profession has ever seen.

The Next Price Rise Takes Place In:
Here Are Your 2 Options To Experience PPM LIVE 2024 In London – Choose The Experience (And Then Decide How Many Of Your Team You Are Bringing With You…)
Option A:
- One in-person ticket to 3-day Private Practice Marketer LIVE 2024 ($997 value)
- Additional in-person seats only $997 (For staff or significant business partners)
- Digital workbook included.
- Lunch on all days is on your own (lunch is NOT provided with ticket)
- Recordings not included.
Just 25 Available. $997 Now $297 or 2 x $175
Option B - *Most Popular:
- 1x in-person ticket to 3-day Private Practice Marketer LIVE 2024
- Includes: Top class food and drinks provided for you across the weekend including fabulous a-la-carte lunch on each of the 3 days sat with Team PG and the top members of Paul’s community
- Additional in-person seats only $395 (For staff or significant business partners)
- Printed/physical workbook
- Lifetime access to the event via the recordings (available 4 weeks later)
Just 25 Available. $997 Now Just $397 or 3 x $150)
“Should You Bring Your Staff (or Partner?)?”
“Hell Yes”! And You Can Do It For Almost Half Price…
We will have one-person start-ups and newer businesses at the Big Event, but if you are one of the many growing and larger physio businesses coming, it is very, very important that all of your colleagues share your vision for the future and how you are going to get there.
So, I strongly encourage you to bring your work colleagues – physio, admin, marketer – and to make it very easy, you can bring as many colleagues as you want for just $397.
At the event we will have special sessions delivered by my TEAM to help your TEAM understand how to work better, faster, support you more and buy into your goals and vision even more. When you get them back – you won’t recognize them!
Many entrepreneurs also want their partners to share this experience so they have a better understanding of ‘Planet Paul’ and what it means for their future. So you are also welcome to bring your partner for $397.
(‘Partner’ is defined as husband, wife, someone you live with – or someone you would like to live with!)
But, be sure to be one of the first 50 to claim the special pricing. Reserve your place now to avoid missing out.
Every size and type of physio, physical therapy and sports injury business will be at PPM LIVE UK 2024, from brand-new start-ups in small towns across the UK, to multimillion-pound pain and rehab businesses in central London. The event is for you regardless of what type of practice you are, and whatever country you live.
My seminars have always attracted the best of the best practice owners from all across the USA, the UK, Canada, Europe and as far away as Australia and Brunei and Dubai.
What type of clinic or where you’re from matters not. We do not rule you in or out just because you run a pelvic floor or sports injury business, or any other pain/movement practice. No. What matters most is your ambition and how hungry you are to get to the next level. If you are ready to grow, we want to see you here.
So What’s On The Agenda? What Will You Learn When You Get to London?
Day 1 (Friday):
- The SHOCKING State of The Physio Profession in the UK: Why So Many Clinics are NOT Making Enough Money, And What The Small Minority Who ARE, Have Done Differently In The Last 12 Months…
- The 7 Things That You Should Be Doing to Make More Money – But Probably Aren’t…
- How To Find £90K in 90 Days: 9 Fundamental Marketing Campaigns That Deliver Extraordinary Growth and Profits
Day 2 (Saturday):
- How To Create and Implement The Ultimate Social Media Profit Plan (Even If You Do Not Have A Marketing Assistant or the Time To It)
- How To Find An Extra 30% Profit In Your Business (Best, Without Spending Any More Money On Marketing…)
- How To Grow Your Practice FAST Utilizing The Power of AI, Automation and Other Fancy/Techy Stuff (That Most Physio’s Ignore Or Avoid – But Shouldn’t.
- How To Build A High Performing Marketing Department So That Your Practice Can DOUBLE it’s revenue In the Next 12 Months (Two part seminar)
- How To FILL UP An In-Person Workshop At Your Clinic With Dozens Of New Prospects Ready And Willing To Become A Patient
Day 3 (Sunday):
- Marketing: What’s Working Right NOW: 6 Quick And Easy Campaigns to Implement In The First Month After PPM LIVE
- How to Manage Staff to Higher Productivity and Build A Culture Of High Performance With Less Drama
- FINANCE: The Five forces of POSITIVE CASH FLOW and The 6 Most Important METRICS of a PROFITABLE (and sustainable) Private Practice
- Plus, How to Remove Any Obstacles in Your Business for FAST, Profitable Growth…
Why Should You Come? 10 Reason To Attend PPM LIVE 2024:
- It’s LONELY running a business and there’s very few occasions where a business owner can either CELEBRATE (boast!!!) about their success without judgement or VENT!!! their frustrations at some of the things happening (and actually be listened to and understood – especially true in the UK).
- You are the sum of the five people you surround yourself with – and unless the five people you are hanging around with every day are making more money, have a lifestyle you would swap or are visibly and obviously happier than you, then you need to be at this event to upgrade your network.
- You can’t do it alone – if the only person you’re taking advice and guidance from is yourself (or even your partner) you are probably not making the progress you COULD be. The fastest path to success is to get around other successful people and MODEL what they are doing. At this event I will introduce you to those people and show you what they are doing.
- To get refocused, reset AND re-energized – there’s nothing better than being in an environment that breeds, promotes and is 100% focused on SUCCESS to get you refocused, reset and re-energized.
- You can spend the weekend with family AND peers – this event will allow you the unique opportunity to bring your family to London AND simultaneously be at an event that will give you the tools and strategies to grow your business. They can have fun in the the city while you figure out how to make more money so that you can have even more fun as a family! FYI, ALL FOUR of my kids will be in London on this weekend with me.
- You’ve had enough of those boring CON ED/CPD clinical skills courses and want to focus your time and effort on learning real business skills to make real money from your business (…there comes an INFLECTION point in every physio’s life where they wake up and decide that being a great business owner is now more important than being a great clinician. Is this yours?).
- You LOVE Robbie Fowler/Liverpool – right now you have an opportunity to sit just 10 feet away from the stage he will be on
- You LOVE the idea of investing in property and want to find out more about it from TWO people doing it – right now you have the opportunity to sit just 10 feet away from two people with over 200 houses between them (Paul Gough and Robbie Fowler)
- You LOVE listening to Paul, you know that he NEVER disappoints and his teaching on business is second to none in this profession – we’ve been running seminars for years and on many occasions we’ve been asked for advice from other people in the phsyio profession on how to improve theirs. (…Don’t be surprised if you see some of my “competition” sitting in the audience and taking notes on how we do things so they can try to copy us!)
- You’ve got nothing to lose – there’s a 100% money back guarantee that means if you’re dis-satisfied or you’re not impressed in any way, we will refund your ticket AND give you £500 towards your travel.

I am so certain that your decision to attend PPM LIVE 2024 will change the course of your business life – and equally convinced that missing it would be a terrible mistake of epic and costly proportions – I am willing to offer you the most extraordinary and powerful Guarantee I have ever offered.
Here it is: If at ANY time during the conference you feel you made a mistake and aren’t receiving value, or are disappointed with the content and experience, you can simply hand your materials in at the back table to let us know. You’ll receive a full and complete refund for your ticket, PLUS an additional £500 to cover travel expenses. You must let us know BEFORE THE END OF THE EVENT to get your refund.
“Double Safety Net” Cancellation Policy
And, just to make sure no mistakes can be made here:
If you purchase an in-person ticket and later find you cannot attend, simply let us know before close of business, May 24th to get a full refund.
You are also permitted to let another person attend in your place (please let us know before they show up).
If you have to cancel AFTER May 24rd, 2024, you will not receive a refund but will be given a full, complete virtual pass so you don’t miss out on the event completely and you’ll get lifetime access to the recordings. This is a separate policy from our better-than-money-back guarantee.
DEADLINE: 6pm May 31st
My team and I can’t wait to meet you – and as a result, we’ve gone out of our way to find one of the best hotels in the South Kensington to spend the weekend with you.
When you book your seat, you will immediately be sent the location of the hotel (and a discount booking link*) that is just 20 minutes in an Uber from Kings Cross or 40 minutes on the Tube from Heathrow.
*We have a limited number of rooms RESERVED AT THE HOTEL WITH DEEPLY DISCOUNTED RATES and so booking your ticket for the event NOW is advised to avoid paying more for your hotel later.
There will be a LOT of things happening in the hotel across the weekend that you will want to be part of so do everything you can to make sure you are with us.
Don’t forget, there’s a strong chance that just one conversation at breakfast or in the ELEVATOR will make you £10,000s.What Do Other Physio Clinic Owners In The UK Say About Paul Gough…
Joining the 4% Club has been the single most amazing thing I have done to grow my business – I couldn’t do what I’ve done now without this group.

I have been in the Paul Gough cult, as I can call it, for 5-6 years now. I started out working for the Ministry of Defence and scraping by, killing myself to make things meet. I entered Paul’s World and never looked back – it’s strength to strength and I have a full-time business, work part-time hours and have 4 full-time staff. I take my afternoons off to do things with my daughter and life has really changed for me in recent years. I love the 4% Club as problems we have in business are solved within our group.
I see what could happen if we weren’t part of Paul’s World. Instead, I can see where we are going to be in a number of years – it’s a good place

We were fine with treatments and being physios, but we didn’t know anything about running a business until we signed up with Paul and his team. We were complete novices. Marketing was all new to me.
Now we are into our 3rd financial year and now we have the mentality of business owners rather than people trying to run a business. We have a different perspective and it’s not daunting. the coaching and development we have both been through has given us confidence and belief.
I would put 80% of my success down to Paul and his team.

What he does well is to show us all what is doable and show us differently. I’ve just had my first book published and am opening a second location.
The inspiration to write comes from Paul and him saying we should all establish ourselves as an author. I’ve looked at Paul’s Healthy Habit book and I know the basics of staying healthy and fit remain the same over time.
It was daunting to sit down and start it as I’m not a writer, but already I want a second book!
And, Here’s A Sneak Peak Of What It’s Like At One Of My Events…
A. YES! I strongly encourage you to bring your work colleagues – physio, admin, marketer, office manager – everyone – and to make it very easy, you can bring as many colleagues as you want for half price. Please also remember that your team is probably craving an experience to get out of their normal environment, put the last two years behind them and focus with you on creating a great future for all of you.
At the event we will have special sessions delivered by my team to help your TEAM understand how to work better, faster, support you more and buy into your goals and vision even more. When you get them back – you won’t recognize them!
A. The price of the GOLD VIP 3-day ticket (most popular) is $397. There’s also the SILVER option for just $297. Depending upon when you book, there may be an early booking discount. If you see one today, please book now to lock in that price as it is likely to increase many times between now and the event and possibly in the next few days.
Note: We allocate discounted tickets in limited quantities – usually in batches of 10 and when they’re gone that is when we raise the price again.
A. YES!!!!! Staying at the hotel is 100% advisable. There will be 100+ physio clinic owners in the hotel all weekend and some of the best conversations happen at breakfast or in the lift.
We have a limited number of VERY DISCOUNTED rooms so if you book your ticket now you may be able to get one of them and save money on staying in one of Orlando’s best hotels.
A. At LEAST 60% of the sessions will be from Paul. The others will be shared between the keynote speakers Robbie and Javeno, members of Paul’s own team who will be sharing their insights into things like how we do recruitment, marketing and of course, what it is like to work for Paul.
You will also hear from other physio clinic owners sharing their inspiring stories of success and the decisions they’ve made and action they’ve taken to make more money while simultaneously stepping back from patient care.
Got Questions We’ve Not Answered: Email my team on paul@paulgough.com
Book before the early booking deadline – and instead of $997, you can come to the event and experience the power of PPM LIVE 2024 for
just $297 (SILVER ticket) or $397 (GOLD). Saving $700 depending upon which one you choose.
Essentially, I am giving you this discount now to cover the cost of your AIRFARE/TRAIN and HOTEL.
But you need to act fast to claim this discount and get one of the 50 places in the hotel at the discounted price we have negotiated for you, so reserve your place now at:
Well done to you for making a commitment to grow your business, grow your income and give you and yourself a better quality of life. I’ll see you in London in June.
Best wishes,
Paul Gough